Saturday, March 26, 2011

My favorite blogger, Ann Althouse, has a diavlog with Bob Wright up at my favorite site,, where they speak of many things regarding the Wisconsin protest demonstrations ongoing at the Madison, Wisconsin capitol.

What's interesting to me about the whole thing is how Prof. Althouse goes on and on about the visceral displays of emotion that accompanied the "left" and how a lot of it was ugly and off-putting. Fair enough.

And her reports of threats is not only the lowest form of behavior on the part of certain people, but down-right-southern-tacky on their part. We must welcome and embrace those who disagree with us as the necessary stimulant any good mind needs.

With that said, it is quite hypocritical on her part to go on and on about the ugliness of speech and then in the next segment argue with Wright over the need to look beyond the normal boundries of constitutionally derived "speech".

As best I can determine, no one has actually threatened the professor with anything resembling illegal "speech" (she should know, she's a constitional law professor at a major university)and so why is it on the one hand repulsive to her to observe some speech and pronounce it ugly and yet argue for more free expression?

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