Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Glossary for those who use words to their own ends in foreign policy

"Democratic Movement"; aka insurrection, as in when a body of people challenge present governmental authority.

"Peaceful Demonstrators"; insurrectionist, as in those actively engaged in combat over control of civic, economic and military assets in Libya.

"No-Fly Zone"; An act or acts of war by unilateral or multilateral authorities in which military and governmental facilities are attacked so as to cripple a target government's infrastructure.

"Taking the lead"; aka "showing leadership", this is when the United States is goaded into perpetuating violence in another country's territory for whatever raisson d'etre.

Like it or not, and I do not necessarily like it, the United States IS the policeman of the world. But we should not, repeat, should not, get involved in other country's internal political squabbles by killing some of their citizens.

If one country is causing trouble in the neighborhood, stealing other's things, commiting violence against you on your property and whatnot, then it's OK for the neighbors to call the police and have that troublemaker calmed whatever means necessary.

But by definition, what we have in Libya, right for it........CIVIL WAR. I know we have a long history of getting involved in other people's civil wars all the time, but you know, I wish we would kinda stop.

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